Things To Do In Capri

Capri is a modern and stylish city, full of beautiful buildings and charming cafés. Capri Guide will help you find the best places to visit, things to do and see. Our goal is to make your holiday as enjoyable as possible. We hope this guide will help you plan your vacation and get the best out of Capri town.

Things to do in Capri

1. Capri Blue Grotto

This is the most popular thing to do in Capri. The Blue Grotto is a majestic and mysterious cave, on the side of the Grotta Azzurra. Millions of tourists come here every year to see this magical place, so you will have to join the queue.

2. Visit the Marina Grande

The old harbor is the heart of Capri town. Here you can watch the luxury yachts from all over the world, and eat some delicious seafood with a stunning view.

3. Take a boat trip to Anacapri or Blue Grotto

There are many boats that go from Marina Grande to Anacapri and Blue Grotto. This is the best option to see Capri from above. The journey takes about 20 minutes each way, so you’ll get a good glimpse of what Capri looks like from above.

4. Hike to a nearby islet

Anacapri and Blue Grotto are two neighboring islands that feature a lot of beautiful beaches. Hiking through the woods will give you a great view over Capri town.

5. Visit the Chiesa di San Francesco (Franciscan church)

The church, built on top of a rock, was built in the 1100s. Antoniazzo Romano planned to have it built as an altar for the local saint, but it turned out Italian sailors already had their own protector in this place, so he chose Saint Francis instead.

6. Visit the Chiesa di Sant’Anna

Capri Guide will show you how to get to the top of Monte Solaro, where the church is located. The view from here is breathtaking! You can see all of Marina Grande, as well as Anacapri and Blue Grotto in one go.

7. Visit Villa San Michele Arcangelo on Capri island

This villa, built by a Russian prince, is one of the most beautiful buildings on the island. It’s worth visiting just for its architecture and gardens. Capri Guide will give you a short tour and reveal some interesting facts about this villa.